
name: Brian Coulson
email: coulsonb34@gmail.com
message: Hi Robert: I am with the Hazel Heights Residents Association. We are working with the high school robotics team called FRC Team1325-Inverse Paradox. Their mentor, Kavita booked 4 sessions for us to do technology training sessions for our members: January 20, 27, February 3 and 10 (all Saturdays from 10-12 pm). However, we need more time to register the sessions so we are going to start on January 27. So we don’t need the space for January 20th. However, we would like to add the 4th Session for February 17th. Kavita has a family emergency and won’t be back for another week. I asked her student to contact you (Khush) but he hasn’t heard back from you. Can you please let us know if your space if available for Feb 17th as we want to start our registration process asap. Thanks Brian