The Canadian Coworker eMag Presented by MindShare Workspace >> Research, News, Events, Specials

“As this New Year approaches find inspiration around you, and motivation within you, to be all that you can be.” Kate Summers

Every new year is a bundle of new opportunities to learn and grow. Hope we all achieve higher goals that we aim for in 2019 by working hard and enjoying how we co-work at our space.

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Canadian Coworker eMag- Holiday Edition. Welcome to our Special Holiday issue of the Canadian CoWorker eMag.

Welcome to our Special Holiday issue of the Canadian CoWorker eMag.

The holiday season is a great time of year to reflect, spend time with family and set lofty goals for the coming year.

We’re happy to host you for a private tour and explore your growth strategy personally and professionally with you!

As we are planning our events calendar for 2019, we welcome your suggestions, partnerships, to optimize our space to meet your growing needs.

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The CoWorker News Letter – Issue 6: Join Us At MindShare WorkSpace 1st Annual Celebration Saturday December 8!!

On the eve of our one-year anniversary fast approaching (December 8) as Canada’s First Mall-located shared office/coworking space, I’m humbled by the the outstanding support and inspiration we’ve received from our valued members, partners and advisory board members.
“Your success, is our success as we Innovate, Connect and Grow together” !
Please join us this Saturday, December 8 for our Special Anniversary Celebration, beginning with Yoga, Robotics for Kids and a Lunch & Learn session on the Future of Work and much more!
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The CoWorker News Letter – Issue 5: The Small Business Month

The Small Business Month
“When you support a small business you’re Supporting a dream !!” October was so busy with many colourful events like our Canadian fall.

We are so proud that MindShare WorkSpace had been Nominated for the MBOT Small Businesses Innovation Award, Congratulations to Mr. Martellacci.

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The GroWorker – Issue 4: The Month of Yogis

The month of July was filled with new memberships from 3 DIFFERENT yoga based businesses. Is there a trend that is emerging for coworking spaces or are we just lucky?

We are super happy to welcome our new members, all of which are featured in this month’s issue. All of our staff are thrilled with the growth we are experiencing and are even more excited to see what the month of August has to bring for us here at the Workspace.

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The Groworker – Issue 3: Coworking is Growing!

The third issue of the Groworker has been sent out and we are already preparing for next month’s issue. The trend of collaborative work spaces is quickly growing and especially for locations in shopping malls. This issue is all about how coworking is predicted to grow in the near future and of course includes our usual upcoming events and highlights from the past month.

Groworker – Issue 3: Coworking is Growing!

The Groworker – Issue 2: What is coworking?

Another successful issue of The Groworker has been sent out and we have all the information about the newest events and news from the MindShare Workspace, the second episode of MindShare Workspace TV, as well as a great explanation about what coworking is and how it is helpful for all business professionals. Please have a read and share the newsletter on your social media and help the Groworker grow!
Read Issue 2: What is coworking?

MindShare Workspace Newsletter the GroWorker is Offically Launched

With so much happening in the world or coworking and here at the MindShare Workspace, the Workspace team decided we needed a way to communicate with our members and interested visitors. With this came the GroWorker, an enewsletter designed to collect and communicate all news coworking and MindShare Workspace. Have a look at our first newsletter and hit us up on facebook, instagram, or twitter, and let us know what you think of the news letter and how you think it could be improved.
The GroWorker: Volume 1, Issue 1, April 2018