July Canadian CoWorker eMag! Councillor Reid Visits MindShare! Mindshare Welcomes New Member Optometrist, Matthew Kwong. Register Kids for Summer Robotics Camps. Proud Home to Italfest August 11-12. Thrive Thursday Feast Today, 1pm! Vol. 5 Issue 3

I’m thrilled to share our July edition of our Canadian Coworker eMag.

This month we were honoured to host our local City Councillor, Martin Reid, along with Jeff Barbosa, GM, Erin Mills Towne Centre for a tour and conversation about community engagement.

One of our passions is to support the local school boards, colleges & universities through coops and summer internships in helping prepare our next generation of leaders with essential skills.

Join us today for our Thrive Thursday lunch along with our community members at 1pm to enjoy International cuisine, explore coworking, network and share a success story!

It’s not too late to register kids for STEAMWORKS Studio Robotics kids summer camps!

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June Canadian CoWorker eMag! Spotlight on Student Co-ops & Careers of the Future! Join Us at the Bread & Honey Festival! Thrive Thursday Meetup Lunch Reminder Today, 1 PM ET. , Top 5 Business News Stories. and More! Vol. 5 Issue 2

Dear Colleague,

I’m thrilled to share our June edition of our Canadian Coworker eMag.

Yesterday we were pleased to host a John Fraser Secondary School Careers Class in our MindShare Workspace. Students had an opportunity to get a glimpse into the world of entrepreneurship and careers of the future through an interactive conversation with the MindShare team, several of who are summer students.

The MindShare Workspace has truly become a space for all community members whether you’re a small business, consultant, or not-for-profit organization looking to host an event or meeting!

Join us today for our Thrive Thursday lunch along with our members at 1pm to enjoy International cuisine, network and share a success story! Or, visit us at the Bread & Honey Festival in Streetsville this weekend! We’ll be showcasing STEAMWORKS Studio Robotics for kids and information about their summer camps!

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Spring Canadian CoWorker eMag! Workspace National Expansion, Saturday CEO Coffee Chat & Spring Offer on Event & Meeting Space! Join us for our Thrive Thursday Meetup, April 27, 1 PM ET. , Top 5 News Stories. and More! Vol. 5 Issue 1

Dear Colleague,
Happy Spring! It’s that time of year again when we welcome new beginnings and fresh starts. The spring season brings a sense of renewal and rejuvenation, which is why we have some exciting news to share with you, our valued community member. Check out the top 5 Mississauga business news articles in this issue.

We were delighted to host the John Fraser Secondary School Entrepreneurship Class in our MindShare Workspace. Our CEO & Founder, Robert Martellacci, presented on entrepreneurship and challenged the students with a design thinking activity. It was an honour to be a part of their learning experience and witness their innovative ideas.

In the spirit of spring, we are offering a special discount of 25% off events at MindShare Workspace. This is the perfect opportunity to network with other professionals and learn from industry experts. Don’t miss out on this offer and make sure to book your next event with us.

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MindShare Workspace Holiday Greetings & 5th Anniversary Party Highlights! Canadian CoWorker eMag. Top News Stories. Events and More! Vol. 4 Issue 7

Dear Colleague,
Thanks to all who joined us for a memorable 5th anniversary holiday party since the launch of Canada’s first shopping mall-located coworking space. We were grateful to have members, friends and colleagues along with Ward 9 Councillor Martin Reid join us for the celebration as he settles into his new role.
MindShare was thrilled to recently host the 10th Anniversary Mississauga Italfest holiday celebration and cake cutting ceremony with the Board and Committee members at the MindShare Workspace. A passion project for me as a proud Italo Canadian and committee member. Congrats to Patti Jannetta and team for your passion and commitment to celebrating Italian culture and heritage in Mississauga.
Be sure to check out our inspirational ‘Top Stories’ in this issue that our team has curated for your inspiration and great resources for startups and small business!
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Special 5th Anniversary MindShare Workspace Holiday Party Invitation Dec 6, 5-8 PM ET, Please RSVP & Canadian CoWorker eMag. Top News Stories. Events and More! Vol. 4 Issue 6

Dear Colleague,
Happy Global Entrepreneurship Week! As I reflect back on 5 years since launching Canada’s first shopping mall-located coworking space I am grateful for the many entrepreneurs we served who took a chance on a new store concept that had never been done.
It’s always a bit daunting to take a leap of faith into the entrepreneurship world. Three key tips I offer startup founders: solve a real problem, do your homework to flush out a rock solid business plan and finally execute with passion.
Speaking of small business startups, here’s a great opportunity to tap into the Canada Digital Adoption Program. We are pleased to announce our partnership with Logics Technology in offering this very generous grant program to help you innovate and accelerate your growth. Read more in this issue below. Feel free to drop me a note robert@mindshareworkspace.com to arrange an exploratory meeting.
SAVE the DATE! We are excited to invite you to join us to celebrate our 5th Anniversary Holiday party Tuesday, December 6, 5 – 8 pm at the MindShare Workspace, Erin Mills Town Centre. Please RSVP. Join us to learn more about our expansion plans, enjoy local entertainment, network with community leaders & members over fine food and holiday cheer!
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Summer Canadian CoWorker eMag. Celebrating International Coworking Week! Get a FREE Stay Today! Join us for our Summer Social Business Networking Party, August 31. Top 5 News Stories. and More! Vol. 4 Issue 5

Dear Colleague,
Happy Summer! Today marks the last day of International Coworking Work Week. Checkout our virtual tour! Join us for a FREE stay today! Or book in for a day next week! Call 905-814-0900. Please share with family, friends and colleagues as we know working from home has its benefits, however, the hybrid model is emerging as the ideal model when you’re not needing to go into the office downtown!
We are honoured to be sponsors of the 10th Anniversary Mississauga Italfest August 12-13 at Mississauga City Hall, Celebration Square this weekend! Do join us for some great food, culture and music from Italy!
If that doesn’t work for your calendar do join us for a Summer Social Business Networking Party Wednesday, August 31 at the MindShare Workspace in preparation for back to school and business! Please click here to register.
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June Canadian CoWorker eMag. Join Us Tomorrow For Friday Feast with Special Guest Patti Jannetta, Chair Italfest on Partnerships & Events to Grow Your Business. Port Credit Next Coworking Site! STEAM Works Studio Summer Camps Vol. 4 Issue 4

Dear Colleague,
Welcome to Summer! It’s great to be back after a busy month of travel to various professional learning conferences, scoping out prospective coworking locations and events throughout North America. One thing I realized is how much I missed our workspace, and in particular our community that is made up of passionate entrepreneurs who want to make an impact. It’s about the people and very much a family atmosphere.
On that note, do plan to join us tomorrow at 1pm for our monthly Friday Feast potluck! We are thrilled to have Mississauga’s very own, Patti Jannetta, singer & songwriter, who I’m honoured to be teamed up with on the committee hosting the 10th Anniversary Mississauga Italfest August 12-13 at Mississauga City Hall, Celebration Square.
I’m excited to share that as things return back to a sense of normalcy, we’ve accelerated our conversations and plans in Port Credit for coworking site locations with our friends at Lakeview Village featured in this report as well as with Ward1 Counsellor Stephen Dasko who has been immensely supportive.
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May Canadian Business CoWorker eMag. Suburban Coworking Coming of Age> Happy Eid! New Member Podcast. Join us this Wednesday for an Economic Update from the CEO following North American travels. Top 5 News Stories! Vol. 4 Issue 3

Dear Colleague,
Happy May! To our Muslim friends, colleagues and members Happy Eid! We are planning a special deferred Friday feast this Wednesday for those who are interested in learning more about coworking and the benefits of belonging to the Mindshare community.
As we all strive to return back to business, as a value-add, I will be providing an update at the celebration lunch from my North American travels on economic trends and cautionary opportunities that we’re seeing.
Be sure to checkout our inspirational ‘Top 5 Stories’ in this issue! Our featured podcasts include one of our newest members and our awesome high school coop student, who is making an impact and off to UBC business school next year.
One thing is clear, we are entering one of the most challenging periods in modern times as we strive to achieve a better work, life balance. Our value proposition allows for hybrid work, community and networking, all in one convenient location at the Mindshare Workspace. Our unique mall located coworking space has come of age and also embraces the notion of going green and reducing your carbon footprint, especailly given the gas prices these day!
I hope you enjoy this Special Spring Issue of the MindShare Canadian CoWorker eMag.
Be sure to checkout our ‘NEW’ Member Welcome section!

Special thanks to our team and coworking members who really help make our community workspace an inspiring place to work, learn and grow!

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The Canadian Coworker Spring March eMagazine Presented by MindShare Workspace CEO Message of Growth! > Friday Feast is Back!– Launch of MindShare Investment Club. Join us March 25! Pls RSVP>>MindShareTV ICTC WIL Podcast, IDEA Mississauga Launch, Top 5 News Stories! Vol. 4 Issue 2

Dear Colleague,
Happy Spring! Coworking has come of age with residents of Mississauga appreciating the importance of a balanced lifestyle and the notion of  #liveworkplaylearn in your local area; which in large part inspired the MindShare Workspace business concept. We are seeing a strong demand for offices and the hybrid work spaces as not everyone has a good setup at home, or just need a change of scenery to work, or learn.

We are thrilled to be re-opening with a sense of normalcy as we scale up our capacity.  Hence, we are hopeful and incredibly optimistic that 2022 will be pivotal year for you to cease the moment and create new opportunities for growth.

The caveat is that we can’t let our guard down fully yet. Something that we’ve advocated at Mindshare in order to keep our members safe. And, knock on wood, we’ve had zero issues during the past two years.
We’re also witnessing a greater appetite for people to start their own business as a lifestyle choice, one of the positive outcomes of the pandemic is the realization that one needs to take control of their lives to follow their passion.
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The Canadian Coworker January eMagazine Presented by MindShare Workspace CEO Message of Hope and Growth ’22> Friday Feast is Back– Launch of MindShare Money Investment Club. Join us February 4th! Pls RSVP

Dear Colleague,

Happy New year! Welcome to our special January Canadian Co-worker eMag.

As we approach the end of our 4th lockdown, we are incredibly optimistic that 2022 will be pivotal year for you to cease the moment and create new opportunities for growth.

It’s never been a better time to launch your start-up, or consulting practice! Be sure to take advantage, as we have, of the City of Mississauga’s Economic Development Office, Startup and Digital Main Street program! They are offering FREE digital marketing and social media consulting!
Join us! Our Friday Feast returns February 4, 12:30pm, along with the launch of our MindShare Money Investment Club! We will feature guest speakers from all sectors to share and learn on how you can grow your business, or investment portfolio. At our inaugural event, we’ll be featuring our valued member, Othman Mahmood, Founder, Orbit Money. Please RSVP to me directly via email if you plan to attend, or would like to offer to be a presenter at our next event!
We’re pleased to see continued strong demand for suburban shared office and coworking. We will resume expansion plans next door in our existing space as well as GTA opportunities that have emerged. Please drop me a note if you’re looking for space, or are interested in an investment. We are open to strategic partners to support our continued growth.
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